Olaf Bernicke

Dipl.-Ing. Machine Engineering (TU Berlin)

+49 (0)30 1208 434 50

IT Admin


Olaf Bernicke is responsible for all internal IT aspects at RLI. He has been working at the institute since 2013 and has an engineering background.

During his studies at TU Berlin, Olaf was concerned with the design and the feedback control of wind turbines. In 2013, he took the position of Laboratory Head at RLI and worked on several topics regarding technologies of renewable energy systems, especially in the development and operation of test benches.

In 2015, Olaf joined the Research Unit Mobility with Renewable Energy with a focus on mobility with hydrogen. As researcher in the project H2BER, he put the recording and analysis of measurement data into practice.

After having supervised the expansion of the IT infrastructure of the growing RLI for several years, Olaf took the position of the institute's IT Admin in 2018 and is responsible for servers and IT infrastructure.