12.9. | MS Hydrogen FORUM 2024
12. September 2024
7.11.| German Mobility Congress
7. November 2024
12.9. | MS Hydrogen FORUM 2024
12. September 2024
7.11.| German Mobility Congress
7. November 2024

STELE – Power Grids for Electromobility

In this project, scientists from the RLI as part of a consortium for Austria's Climate and Energy Fund, are developing an exchange platform to integrate electromobility into power grids. STELE – The platform that connects.

The Platform Facilitates Networking

Integrating electromobility into power grids requires a high degree of networking and continuous information flow between various stakeholders, such as grid and fleet operators, charging infrastructure providers (CPOs), or energy suppliers. Only in this way can they make efficient and effective decisions in their respective areas of responsibility. The platform aims to bring together relevant stakeholders and support demand-driven, regional networking (matching). Decision-makers, such as the Federal Ministry for Climate Action, Environment, Energy, Mobility, Innovation, and Technology (BMK), will gain valuable insights into the fields of electromobility and power grids through the platform.

A Concept for Implementation

The experts will first develop a comprehensive concept for implementing the platform. In this process, they will work closely with actors like the Austrian Electromobility Coordination Center (OLÉ). The project team will devise various strategies to engage relevant regional stakeholders, understand their needs and challenges in grid integration, and ensure the dissemination of the identified recommendations through targeted communication. Furthermore, the team will establish a monitoring system and scientific support to measure the platform's success and continuously incorporate relevant regulatory and technical developments.

Stakeholder Involvement

At the core of the platform is bringing together local actors. The project team will design various participation formats, such as regional matchmaking events, topic- or region-specific working groups, or surveys. During the platform's implementation, the experts will conduct regional, supra-regional, and nationwide event formats (matchmaking and information events), ensuring networking and regular exchanges. From the start, the platform will enable local stakeholders to express their needs, wishes, and challenges, discussing them with their on-site partners.

Website for Information and Networking

For stakeholder networking and public outreach, the project team will create a platform website. This will serve to inform the general public, ensure actor matching, and publish findings and recommendations.

Project Period: September 2024 – April 2028

    The RLI assumes the following tasks:

    • Developing a concept for platform implementation
    • Engaging and identifying the needs of relevant regional stakeholders
    • Developing targeted communication and dissemination strategies
    • Establishing an efficient monitoring system
    • Building and developing the interactive platform
    • Project management and structuring of implementation phases
    UIV Urban Innovation Vienna GmbH

    Grazer Energieagentur

    Kairos OG


    Klima- und Energiefond Österreich


    Jakob Gemassmer

    Project Lead

    Friederike Reisch

    Deputy Head of Unit

    Julian Brendel


    Jakob Wegner


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