Tunisia Modelling: Strengthening Energy System Modelling in Tunisia

Das Bild Zeigt den Umriss des Landes Tunesien sowie Symbole für Energieerzeugungsanlagen und Transportsystemen

Project description

In this project, RLI scientists and partners are supporting the development of competencies in energy system and energy economy modelling in Tunisia. The aim is to impart knowledge to researchers, authorities and other stakeholders in order to promote energy planning and the transition to renewable energies in the region.

Workshops for knowledge transfer
The project team organises and conducts workshops in three regions of Tunisia (Tunis, Monastir, Sfax). In these courses, participants learn the basics of energy economy modelling as well as the use of open-source tools, such as PyPSA, a software for simulating and optimising investment decisions and the operation of modern power supply systems. The aim is to enable the participants to apply the methods they have learned independently in their work.

Support and case studies
In addition, the team supports a Tunisian working group of representatives of ministries and universities in developing concrete modelling projects. Together, energy requirements are analysed, relevant and available data, such as resource availability, costs and consumption, are evaluated, and initial concept studies are developed that are important for future energy planning in Tunisia.

National conference
A highlight of the project is the organisation of a national conference on energy economy modelling. Here, project results will be presented, the importance of modelling will be discussed and next steps will be planned with stakeholders from the Tunisian energy community.

Project period: 29.08.2024 – 28.02.2025


  • Development and implementation of workshops on energy economics modelling and open source tools.
  • Support in the development of modelling projects through needs assessments and case studies.
  • Organization of a national conference for networking and presentation of results.
  • Close cooperation with Tunisian partners, including researchers, authorities and GIZ.



Project leaders

Paul Bertheau

Researcher & Deputy Head of Unit

+49 (0)30 1208 434 44 paul.bertheau@rl-institut.de

Project associates