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Here you can find all events with contributions by the Reiner Lemoine Institut.
Meet our experts at conferences, trade fairs and other events!

meccanica feminale

Martha Hoffmann, PhD-candidate at the Reiner Lemoine graduate school at the RLI, will lead a workshop at meccanica feminale on the lack of consideration of energy justice in energy system modeling. The workshop “Energy System Modeling and Energy Justice – Incompatible Concepts?” will take place over three days from 18th until 20th February 2025. In...

HyTruck Breakfast Briefing

Marcus Schober and Josephine Nehring, both researchers in the RLI research unit Mobility with Renewable Energy, will speak as experts at the HyTruck Breakfast Briefing. HyTruck is a project in which RLI, together with its partners, is developing a guideline for planning hydrogen refueling stations for trucks in the Baltic Sea region. Marcus will present...

Panel discussion: Turkish-German energy partnership

RLI Managing Director Kathrin Goldammer gives an opening statement and takes part in a panel discussion at an event organised by the Turkish-German Energy Partnership. As part of the ‘Renewables, Energy Infrastructure and Sector Coupling’ working group of the Turkish-German Energy Partnership, Dena has carried out a distribution grid modelling study and examined the development...

Presentation on FAIRberlin at HWR

Zakia Soomauroo, researcher at the RLI Research Unit Off-Grid Systems, will give a lecture on the RLI research project “Feminist and inclusive research for climate-friendly mobility in Berlin” (FAIRberlin) at the Berlin School of Economics and Law (HWR) on December 5, 2024. The project examines climate-friendly mobility in Berlin from a feminist and inclusive perspective....

Neukölln Energy Day

RLI Managing Director Christine Kühnel will take part in a panel discussion at the 1st Neukölln Energy Day. The Neukölln Energy Day will focus on energy planning in Berlin in the coming years. Experts, business representatives and representatives of the real estate industry will exchange views on topics such as heat procurement, waste heat utilization,...

Forum Solar PLUS

RLI Managing Director Christine Kühnel will give a keynote speech together with Friederike Reisch, Deputy Head of Unit Mobility with Renewable Energy, on blockchain-based energy trading in the BEST project and the economic viability of systems without the german Erneuerbare-Energien-Gesetz (EEG) at a session of the Solar PLUS Forum. The Forum Solar PLUS brings together...

Argentinian-German Science Day

RLI Managing Director Christine Kühnel will take part in the Argentinian-German Science Day and give a presentation on the energy transition in Germany from a research perspective. The aim of the event is to promote cooperation and dialogue between scientific and technological stakeholders from Argentina and Germany. The event will be attended by the Network...

German Mobility Congress

Jakob Gemassmer, Head of the Research Unit Mobility with Renewable Energy at the Reiner Lemoine Institute, will be taking part in a panel discussion on the topic of ‘Electromobility in Application’ in Session E4 at the German Mobility Congress. The participants will discuss key questions like: What are the needs of the various user groups...