Jonas Huber
M. Sc. Environmental Computer Science (HTW Berlin)
+49 (0)30 1208 434 23 jonas.huber@rl-institut.deActivities
- Coordination of software development work for the Open Energy Family (framework development, GitHub).
Software development (open source, web development, usability of software, architecture of software systems) - Creation of databases
- Licensing, processing and visualization of data
- Metadata
- Automation in data and code (DevOps)
- Expertise in GIS and map-based web applications
Personal Information
Jonas Huber has been a researcher in the research unit Transformation of Energy Systems at RLI since April 2023. Before that, he was already a student assistant since August 2018.
He is responsible for coordinating the software development work for the Open Energy Family and is significantly involved in the development of various software tools and the Open Energy Platform. His focus is on developing a framework for better research data management and strengthening the principles of Open Science in the energy sector.
During his time at RLI, he has gained extensive experience in handling and processing licenses, data and metadata in various projects. His goal is to open data resources and strengthen their reusability. With this background, he actively contributes to facilitating access to information and fostering collaboration in the research community. Another focus in his work has been the creation of GIS and the visualization of data e.g. as map-based web applications.
In the context of his master thesis at HTW-Berlin, he dealt with the topic “Open source software development for research data management: conception and application of a collaborative development process for the sustainable further development of the ‘Open Energy Platform'”. In doing so, he developed a development concept for software-intensive open source frameworks that is used to sustainably improve the Open Energy Platform and to be able to develop it in the long term.