Uganda´s Energy Transition: towards 100 % Renewable Energy by 2050 (Möller et al. 2023)
This work is part of the “Multi-Actor Partnership (MAP) for Implementing Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) with 100% Renewable Energy for All in the Global South (100% RE MAP)” project being implemented by WWF-UCO, Ecological Christian Organisation (ECO), the World Future Council, the World Wide Fund for Nature Germany (WWF Germany), and Brot für die Welt. The 100% RE MAP project aims to facilitate positive changes and advance the transformation necessary to ensure economic and social development in line with the Paris Agreement’s climate target of 1.5 °C. By strengthening MAPs, we enable inclusive decision-making and unlock disruptive innovations for scalability. It is through partnerships that we can overcome short-term political interests, which can upend years of work when political power transfers take place.
The project ensures strategic buy-in from opinion leaders, academia, civil society, government and think tanks, and is being implemented simultaneously in Nepal, Uganda and Vietnam. The 100% RE scenario covers state-of-the-art modelling technologies that highlight possible transition pathways towards 100% RE and enable comparisons to business-as-usual pathways.