Handbook on sizing solar-hybrid mini-grid systems in East Africa
Project description
Low electrification rates in Kenya are a major challenge for development despite untapped solar potentials. Off-grid systems (i.e. mini grids) are often the only feasible solution for the supply of electricity in rural areas. In order to develop financial viable projects, appropriate system sizing is crucial. Therefore, a clear approach for demand forecasting and a guideline for system sizing of solar-hybrid mini-grids have been developed, based on the Mini-grid-builder-tool by GIZ.
Project duration 01.06.2016 – 31.07.2016
Creation of a handbook, covering the compilation of the demand forecast and system sizing of the mini-grid and development of a concept for a one-day training on mini-grid demand forecast and system sizing and its implementation.
Auftraggeber ist die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)