Webinar: Unlocking Green Hydrogen Opportunities – Germany & Vietnam in Focus

20. February 2025, Online

German and Vietnamese perspectives on green hydrogen: The RLI will host a webinar on green hydrogen together with Vietnamese partners. Together with GIZ Vietnam, Women in Green Hydrogen (WiGH) and Women in Energy Viet Nam (WEVN) RLI will put the potential of green hydrogen, local market conditions, country-specific approaches from Germany and Vietnam into focus. German and Vietnamese speakers will provide insights on (trans)national experiences and projects with green hydrogen.

During a panel discussion, experts will provide information and discuss the legal framework, experiences and future prospects in Germany and Vietnam.

Christine Kühnel, RLI-managing director and Katrin Lammers, researcher in the RLI research unit Off-Grid Systems, will contribute their expertise on behalf of RLI and report on RLI hydrogen projects. Marcus Schober, researcher in the RLI research unit Mobility with Renewable Energy, gives an overview on the hydrogen policy in Germany.

The webinar is aimed at scientists, representatives from industry and politics and all interested parties!

Webinar: Unlocking Green Hydrogen Opportunities – Germany & Vietnam in Focus