Avia Linke

M.Sc. Engineering Science (TU Berlin)


+49 (0)30 1208 434 90 avia.linke@rl-institut.de


  • Modeling and data analysis of electricity demand in off-grid systems
  • Technical-economic optimization of off-grid systems
  • Data research on the global energy transition
  • Support of acquisition projects
  • Preparation of studies in the field of hydrogen nationally and globally

Personal Information

Avia Linke has been a researcher in the unit Off-Grid-Systems since April 2022. Prior to that she was already a student assistant at the RLS Graduate School since June 2020.

Avia holds a bachelor’s degree in Engineering Science with a focus on fluid dynamics and thermodynamics from TU Berlin. In her bachelor’s thesis, she dealt with PIV flow investigation in a stenosed aorta. Her master’s thesis, which she wrote together with a fellow student, concerned the design, construction, and testing of a micro wind turbine for battery charging.

Besides her work at RLI, she supports political and scientific educational workshops and is involved in political music festivals.

