Nubius Brandner
B.Sc. Physics (HU Berlin)
PhD candidate
+49 (0)30 1208 434 90 nubius.brandner@rl-kolleg.deActivities
- Analysis of the resilience of power grids in the context of the energy system transformation
- Implementation of a powerful systemic model in Julia that integrates power grid modeling, extreme weather events, and measures that increase the resilience of power grids
- Integration of frequency and voltage dynamics in the power grid model, integration of power plant and load failures in addition to line failures, consideration of the temporal sequence of damages to the power grid in the extreme weather event model
- Identification of critical elements (power lines, power plants) in the power grid
Personal Information
Since January 2024, Nubius Brandner has been a doctoral student in the graduate school of the Reiner Lemoine Foundation in collaboration with the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) and the Technical University of Berlin.
In his doctoral studies, Nubius Brandner explores the resilience of power grids in the face of increasing electricity demand and a growing threat from extreme weather events. He uses energy system models from theoretical physics to identify vulnerabilities in the power grid and examine measures for stabilization.
During his physics studies at Humboldt University of Berlin and as a student assistant, he methodically engaged in modeling. In his master’s thesis at PIK, this knowledge was applied to the development of methods for modeling power grids. During his studies, he spent a year in Cairo.