
Project description

In FlexMex, energy system models are compared with each other in order to gain insights into how their resulting scenarios for electricity, heat, and mobility should be evaluated. A particular focus is on flexibility options, such as interregional power exchange, storage, or sector coupling.

For FlexMex, a two-part model experiment is carried out, in which scenarios for a future energy system with a high share of renewable energy is calculated using various models. The models use identical input data. Thus, different results can be attributed to different modeling methods and technology models. The following energy system models are compared in the project:

  • E2M2
  • GENESYS (2)
  • ISAaR
  • MArS
  • oemof
  • REMix

The RLI participates in the model comparison with an open energy system model developed using the open source modeling framework oemof.

FlexMex is part of the BMWi funding program “MODEX” for energy system analysis.

Project duration: January 2019 – December 2021


  • Berechnung des vorgegebenen Szenarios mit oemof
  • Dokumentation der Eigenschaften von oemof zur Feststellung der Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten mit anderen Modellen
  • Parametrierung des Modells anhand der Daten des gemeinsamen Referenzdatensatzes
  • Zusammenführung, Dokumentation, Auswertung und Interpretation der Ergebnisse in enger Abstimmung mit den Partnern und deren Ergebnissen


FlexMex is part of the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy’s funding program „MODEX“ on energy system analysis.

Research at RLI is supported by the Reiner Lemoine Foundation.