Community-Driven Mini-grids: A Promising Approach to Electrifying Nigeria’s Rural Population (Gaiya et al. 2024)

Abel Gaiya, Jannik Landwehr, Michel Köhler, Paula Preuß, Ifeoma Malo, Clara Neyrand

In the ‘Communities of Practice Nigeria’ (CP Nigeria) project, researchers from the Reiner Lemoine Institute (RLI) worked with experts from partner organisations to achieve results in the promotion of clean and sustainable energy supply in Nigeria. Among other things, they have identified around 660 rural communities in the country as ideal for off-grid electrification. The introduction of mini-grids (solar mini-grids) could reduce annual CO2 emissions in these regions by up to 188,000 tonnes. The experts have summarised all of their findings and recommendations for action in a policy brief, which was published today. The project team has also developed a tool for planning mini-grids that local communities can use independently.

A policy brief was published as part of the project: ‘Community-Driven Mini-grids: A Promising Approach to Electrifying Nigeria’s Rural Population’. It looks at global best practices of community-driven mini-grids and analyses what opportunities exist in Nigeria. It is available for download here:
You can find the policy brief here: