Net-billing for PV to support local economies on Caribbean islands (Blechinger et al. 2012)
Philipp Blechinger, Christian Breyer
Very high solar radiation combined with very high conventional power generation costs favor the implementation of photovoltaic on Caribbean islands. To assure the revenues of potential investors and therefore to support the implementation a clear regulatory framework has to be created. Within this work a proper net-billing scheme is developed. Its feed-in tariff adds up to 18.5 US-cent/kWh at Capex of 2,500 USD/kWp. Once this framework is implemented a huge market potential for local companies will arise. From distributors, over planning offices and installers to the utilities and investors and even local banks, everybody can profit from the increasing implementation of photovoltaic pushed by net-billing in the Caribbean. The market potential for local companies only is estimated to 1.5 billion USD overall by installing 3.0 GW in the Caribbean.