Techno-Economic Optimization of Hybrid Energy Systems in a One Minute Time Step Approach (Huyskens)

Hendrik Huyskens

Power supply in rural landscapes or islands that are not connected to a greater power net is mostly provided by diesel generator sets. High diesel costs and CO2 emissions can be decreased by renewable energy systems (RES). Due to fluctuations in power generation of RES, stability issues affecting the diesel engine have to be considered. Optimal sizes for RES and resulting costs can be calculated by simulations. A state of the art tool, modeling the energy system in a 1h time resolution, exists in many versions. Unfortunately, not all impacts of RES can be obtained in such a simulation; therefore a one minute model is implemented.

Project description

Development of a one-minute energy system model for hybrid mini-grids, focusing on detailed simulation of diesel generator sets and a complex battery model. The model is able to simulate and optimize hybrid energy systems including PV, wind power, batteries and diesel gensets on a one minute time scale. Particular focus is placed on the development of an energy management system.


Simulations based on 1min should be made possible. Existing results from 1h calculations can be cross-checked and possibly more accurately. The cost optimization takes greater consideration for the diesel performance and can provide the benefits of a battery bank to the fore.
