Turning around the transport sector: What effects do battery and fuel cell vehicles have on our energy system? (Arnhold et al. 2016)

Oliver Arnhold, Hanna Decker, Birgit Schachler, Marlon Fleck, Dr. Kathrin Goldammer

The transition of the transport sector is still at its beginning. There are various possible driving concepts, for instance battery electric vehicles (BEV), fuel cell electric vehicles or synthetic fuels.

Investigations by Reiner Lemoine Institut (RLI) show that all of these technologies have specific advantages and disadvantages. In local future scenarios with 100 % BEV, mobility costs are low, but the net power of grid connection is high. In a scenario with 100 % FCEV, mobility costs are high and the net power of grid connection is low. Furthermore, in a national analysis, the additional demand of power is much smaller in the first than in the second scenario, resulting from the FCEV’s efficiency. Nevertheless, the need for additional storage is much smaller in the 100 % FCEV scenario, demonstrating this technology’s flexibility. Consequently, it seems useful to integrate both technologies into a future transport system.
