Research Units

Our scientists work in three closely interconnected research areas, all aimed at promoting a sustainable energy future.

Das Foto zeigt PV-Anlagen auf einem Feld. Im Hintergrund sind zwei Windkrafträder zu sehen.

Transformation of Energy Systems

In the research unit Transformation of Energy Systems, we develop, investigate, and optimize future scenarios for a sustainable energy supply.
Das Foto zeigt ein E-Auto, das mit einem Kabel geladen wird. Links am Bildrand sind PV-Anlagen zu sehen, im Hintergrund setehen Windkrafträder.

Mobility with Renewable Energy

In the research unit Mobility with Renewable Energy at RLI, we conduct research at the interface of sustainable drive systems and renewable power generation. The transport sector contributes a large share to global greenhouse gas emissions through gasoline and diesel vehicles. Fine dust and nitrogen oxides also pollute the air in cities. The potential to reduce emissions with alternative drive systems is enormous, provided that the basic supply comes from renewable energy sources.
Das Foto zeigt eine Mini-Grid-Anlage, Solarmodule. Im Hintergrund sind Palmen.

Off-Grid Systems

In the research unit Off-Grid Systems, we develop electrification strategies based on renewable energy for developing regions. More precisely, we optimize hybrid mini-grids using simulation models and geo-information systems (GIS).