Workshop: Improving energy access under the framework of big data and digitalization

2018-04-17 07:57:18

April 17th 2018 | Berkeley, USA

One more time, RLI is going on a journey for renewable energy. A delegation of three RLI researchers is travelling to the USA April 16th-20th for a joint workshop with the Renewable and Appropriate Energy Laboratory (RAEL) at the University of California, Berkeley. The workshop will bring together experts from the energy and digital sectors in order to discuss the possibilities of sustainable energy access with regard to digital solutions. The agenda also includes visits of the BBEAG to Silicon Valley companies that are involved in the topic.

The trip takes place in context of the Berkeley-Berlin Energy Access Group, that was founded as a cooperation between RLI and RAEL in 2017. Both institutions are involved in research regarding electrification strategies based on renewable energy for developing regions and have agreed on joining forces in the BBEAG.

The research trip and BBEAG Workshop are funded by the Transatlantic Climate Bridge partnership between Germany and the United States.  The RLI-travel team consists of Catherina Cader, Kathrin Goldammer, and Philipp Blechinger. You can find their reports during the journey on Twitter and later on the project’s website.

© Image: John Morgan, „Scenes from UC Berkeley – Memorial Glade“, cropped by RLI, CC BY 2.0