Global Electrification Talk and micro-grid Workshop

2019-11-20 11:07:51

Berkeley | As part of the California-Berlin Exchange and Research Plus (C-BEAR+) project Philipp Blechinger, head of RLI’s research unit Off-Grid Systems, will visit the University of Berkeley as well as Arizona State University.

On 20 November he will hold a lunch talk on „Global Electrification Scenarios and Current Research Needs“ covering global scenarios, investment needs and their related green house gas emissions. In addition, current research work on electrification planning of RLI is presented and further research needs are discussed. More infos on the talk can be found here.

On 21 November Philipp will co-host a workshop on the role of micro-grids in the energy system of the future for both new electrification and central systems. Philipp will showcase the role of micro-grids for rural electrification in Nigeria. The workshop aims on answering the question: How can we overcome the on-/off-grid distinction? And how can we improve energy systems towards decentral, but connected micro-grids for improved resilience, increased renewable energy shares and reduced system costs? More infos on the workshop can be found here.

Aside from additional meetings with researchers in Berkeley from 22-25 November Philipp will visit Arizona State University on 26-27 November.