RLI generates inventory of EU development activities for the EU Energy Initiative

RLI researchers were authorized to conduct a systematic overview of developmental aid in the EU in energy issues. In the course of 2016 they will generate an overview of how much funding and what kind of funding goes from the EU into developmental cooperation in energy issues worldwide. This exercise contributes to transparency within developmental cooperation and provides information for interested users. At the same time, the results of this assignment help quantifying Europe’s contributions to the Sustainable Development Goals #7 of the United Nations, which is access to sustainable energy.

This project runs from May to November 2016 in collaboration with development experts Dr. Rainer Quitzow and Marit Berchner of the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam.

Photo: The Kick-Off Workshop was held at RLI on May 12, 2016. From left to right: Paul Bertheau (RLI), Marit Berchner (IASS), Kathrin Goldammer (RLI), Rainer Quitzow (IASS), and Luca Ferrini  and Angelika Wasielke (both EU Energy Initiative Partnership Dialogue Facility).