28th Breakfast Debate Intelligent Mobility

2020-04-24 13:30:18

Online | How can the charging of electric fleets be controlled in such a way that the use of the vehicles can be ensured at all times and at the same time the electricity grid is not overloaded? Oliver Arnhold, head of the research unit Mobility with Renewable Energy at Reiner Lemoine Institut, is addressing the issue in the Netz_eLOG project. Within the project, procedures for grid-side control of charging processes are being developed, taking into account all criteria of fleet and grid operators. In addition to RLI, Deutsche Post DHL Group, E.DIS Netz and IAV are also involved in the project.

The event is being organized by the Berlin Agency for Electromobility and will take place digitally via Microsoft Teams. Please register using the registration form on the website of the Berlin Agency for Electromobility. The breakfast debate starts punctually at 8 a.m. Feel free to join the digital round with breakfast and coffee.

© Image: Berlin Agency for Electromobility