California – Berlin Exchange and Research Summer School

2019-08-05 15:06:03

Berlin | In August 2019, the Summer School of the California – Berlin Exchange and Research (C-BEAR +) project will take place for the first time on the subject of “Sustainable energy access and renewable energy.”

Together with the TU Berlin and several US universities, the RLI invites young scientists from Germany and the US to study interdisciplinary research methods and approaches in the field of sustainable energy supply and renewable energy (e.g. modeling of energy systems, GIS and social science methods).

The program will include visits of various German institutions and companies active in the field (e.g. Agora Energiewende, SolarWorX, IASS in Potsdam). This gives the American guests an overview of Germany’s activities in the field of sustainable energy supply and renewable energies, both scientifically and from the perspective of Berlin start-ups. In addition, an energy self-sufficient village in Brandenburg will be visited, and a comprehensive cultural program will take place.

Applications for the summer school are closed.

© Image: RLI