oemof user meeting
2024-02-07 15:06:17
February 7th-9th, 2024 | Nordhausen
The oemof user meeting creates a community for people who work with open source software. This time, the meeting will take place from February 7 to 9 as part of the 7th Regenerative Energy Technology Conference in Nordhausen.
Caroline Möller from RLI’s Off-Grid Systems research unit will be attending the meeting.
On the second day of the conference, Caroline will give a presentation on the open-plan-tool developed in the open_plan project. It is a user-friendly tool with a graphical interface. It can be used directly by various stakeholders for the optimized planning of energy cells for the (partial) supply of electricity and heat requirements of neighborhoods, commercial yards and industry in Germany and beyond. Caroline will present the tool and explain what plans there are for the tool in the future.
The modeling framework oemof (Open Energy Modelling Framework) is a tool for modeling and analyzing energy systems. It is an open-source licensed software that has a modular and flexible structure so that it can be assembled according to individual requirements.
At the oemof user meeting, users present how they use the framework and develop oemof further together. It is also intended to bring the oemof community together.
More information about the meeting can be found on the oemof website.
The full agenda is available here.