oemof Webinar

2017-12-12 14:43:17

January 10th 2018 | Online
11 a.m. – 12 noon

Caroline Möller, researcher in the RLI research field Transformation of Energy Systems will present the oemof modelling framework in a webinar open to participation at no charge.

The webinar will take place as part of the exchange in the BMWi’s Research Network Energy System Analysis – Working Group 3 “Model Coupling and the System” with open participation to anyone interested. There will be room for participant questions and discussion after the presentation.

oemof stands for Open Energy System Modelling Framework and is a modelling tool for the analysis of different energy systems. The open source-licensed software was co-developed in large part by RLI. It is of modular and flexible design, allowing individual components to be specifically selected to suit each research question. It is thus especially suitable for cross-sectoral studies.

If you wish to use oemof for your work, you are very welcome to attend the webinar. To receive a login, please contact us via E-Mail. Please note that the webinar will be hosted in German.

© Photo: Nic McPhee, Lizenz CC BY 2.0., edited by RLI (oemof logo)