Presentation of the wind area calculator

2021-06-24 15:46:40

June 24th, 2021

RLI Managing Director Kathrin Goldammer represents the RLI at the presentation of the Wind Area Calculator, a stakeholder empowerment tool for all of Germany. The wind area calculator can be used to examine which areas in Germany are suitable for wind turbines. After all, the development of climate-friendly electricity production is a task for society as a whole, which in the event of conflict must be resolved by balancing different interests as fairly as possible. The new stakeholder empowerment tool provides support in this challenge.

The wind area calculator was commissioned by Agora Energiewende at RLI, which is organizing the webinar. The webinar will discuss with the various stakeholder groups what a compromise could look like with regard to future.

[icon type=”icon-export”] For further information, as well as the possibility to register, please have a look at the website of Agora Energiewende

(c) 2019 Matthias Hesse