RLI Energy-Dialog 2018

2018-09-10 11:00:48

September 10th 2018 | 1:00 p. m.  –  20:00 p. m.
Hotel Rossi, Lehrter Straße 66, 10557 Berlin

Applied Research for 100% Renewable Energy

In the third RLI Energy-Dialog, the Reiner Lemoine Institute once again puts its research up for discussion. In five workshops, we ask our guests for their perspectives on current research questions that are on the institute’s agenda. The topics range from the influence of human behavior in energy system modeling, over strengthening interdisciplinary approaches to achieve the 7th UN Sustainable Development Goal (energy access for all people worldwide), to economic planning strategies for charging stations in e-mobility. Regarding the latter, there will also be a workshop on future road transport scenarios as well as on the regulatory framework for electrolysis-electricity.

Please note that the event will be hosted in German, further information can be found in the agenda. Participation by invitation only.

[button title=”Agenda” icon=”” icon_position=”” link=”https://reiner-lemoine-institut.de/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/RLIED18_Programm_.pdf” target=”_blank” color=”” font_color=”” large=”0″ class=”” download=”” onclick=””]



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