Katrin Lammers

Dr. Ing. (TU Bergakademie Freiberg)


+49 (0)30 1208 434 48 katrin.lammers@rl-institut.de


  • Trainings and workshops on climate-resilient energy supply
  • Load assessments of communities and health care facilities with the open source tool “RAMP”
  • Energy system design and sensitivity analyses with the open source tool “Offgridders”
  • Support of acquisition activities at RLI
  • Involvement in an RLI internal group for critical reflection on the implementation of projects in the international field (critical development cooperation/social justice)

Personal Information

Katrin Lammers is a researcher in the unit Off-Grid Systems at RLI since February 2022. Her expertise is in climate resilient energy supply for areas severely affected by climate change, with a special focus on island electrification in Southeast Asia. Katrin is also responsible for load assessments and mini-grid system design for communities and health facilities in Ghana.

Katrin has joined the Off-Grid team in October 2018. From 2018 to 2022, Katrin did her PhD on climate-resilient island electrification in Southeast Asia in a collaboration between TU Berlin and the Reiner Lemoine Institute in the research field Off-Grid Systems. The title of her research project is “Climate resilient energy systems for Southeast Asian island communities” .
In her research project, she prepared a climate risk analysis for her research region (Southeast Asian islands) based on QGIS and R tools and collected data on improving climate resilience of mini-grids using expert interviews. With the knowledge gained, Katrin developed a concept for climate resilient energy system design and applied and evaluated it for three sample islands. The research project was founded by a PhD grant from the Heinrich Böll Foundation.

Before coming to RLI, Katrin worked for the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) in Bangkok for two and a half years. Here, she supported reference project development in the renewable energy sector both at the municipal level and in the industrial and commercial sector, especially through technical consulting.

Katrin completed her Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees at the Technical University and Mining Academy of Freiberg in Environmental Engineering with a focus on decentralized energy systems and thermal insulation.

She further specialized through student projects and her final theses at Fraunhofer THM and Schott Solar on degradation effects as well as heat losses from solar modules.

Katrin has gained cultural, political and professional experience through extended stays abroad in Ethiopia, Chile, Cambodia, Peru and Thailand and is fluent in English and Spanish.

In addition to her work at RLI, Katrin is involved in the climate justice movement and is active as a consultant for the Refugee Law Clinic.


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