Paul Scheer

M.Sc. Renewable Energy Systems (TU Berlin)


+49 (0)30 1208 434 89


  • Development of a tool for CO2 – and cost optimization of rail traffic
  • Alternative drive concepts for rail vehicles
  • Development and optimization of simulation software
  • Programming in Python, Java, MATLAB, VBA, C++

Personal Information

Since March 2022 Paul Scheer is a researcher in the RLI Unit Mobility with Renewable Energy. He mostly works in the area of modeling and simulation to answer questions about mobility with renewable energies as well as developing a tool to optimize rail traffic regarding CO2 emissions and costs.

Paul has a strong professional background as a development engineer in the automotive field, which includes stations such as experimental studies of catalytic converters, modeling of exhaust aftertreatment systems, software management of ECUs for chargers of battery electric vehicles, and building multiphysics models for Li-ion batteries.

Paul completed his master’s degree in Renewable Energy Systems at the TU Berlin. His master’s thesis focused on the optimization of evaluation methods in the determination of oxygen storage capacities of three-way catalysts, as well as the associated novel modeling of thermodynamic properties. He completed his bachelor’s degree at the Berlin University of Applied Sciences (BHT) in Mechanical Engineering-Renewable Energies with a thesis on cost-optimized clamping concepts for fuel cell systems.

