Conversion of the bus fleet to alternative drive types in the Oberhavel district

Project description

The Oberhavel Verkehrsgesellschaft mbH (OVG) wants to implement its alternative drive concepts to its bus fleet. This would affect 42 bus routes in the district. EMCEL and the RLI support the project of the OVG with a feasibility study.

Selection of new drive concepts

Together with the OVG, the consortium of EMCEL and RLI selects the concepts. Their decisions are based on existing as well as future conditions. Thus, for a period of more than a year, they review the suitability of battery- and hydrogen-powered buses.

Checking for feasibility

To test whether the project is actually feasible, EMCEL and RLI develop various scenarios and evaluate them in terms of their environmental and economic benefits. Feasibility is ensured, among other things, through exchanges with local network operators, concerning available network capacities.

Implementation of the results

The results of the study are intended to support a fast implementation of the concepts. It offers considerations for the gradual conversion of the fleet, for the required modifications to the depot and, if necessary, to the busline. Based on these results, OVG can begin the conversion of its bus fleet.

Project period: January 2023 – April 2024


  • Route and deployment analyses
  • Evaluation of different changeover scenarios
  • Design of the necessary infrastructure
  • Planning of the step-by-step implementation

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Project leaders

Project associates

Tabea Katerbau

PhD candidate & researcher

+49 (0)30 1208 434 31