Kopernikus Project ENavi
Project description
In the Kopernikus project ENavi, license-free, publicly available simulation tools were developed and used, with the help of which the regional energy system transformation with its individual sectors electricity, heat and mobility can be designed in a participatory manner.
For several years, there has been a trend towards more transparency in energy system simulation and towards opening up simulations for sharing. The Kopernikus project ENavi also aimed at more transparency and should serve the “stakeholder empowerment”. The interactive web tools developed in this project are therefore called StEmp tools (=stakeholder empowerment tools). In this way, local actors in particular should be enabled to better understand measures and effects and thus to let them participate (pro)actively in the dialog and develop options for action themselves. Compared to previously existing alternatives, the web tools developed in ENavi can be used to present on-site consumption and the provision of energy in a more understandable way.
Transdisciplinary solutions for supply security
In concrete terms, this means that the two web tools developed in this project should help to assess the effects and side effects of economic or political measures in advance. This should enable the energy system to guarantee security of supply, economic efficiency, and environmental and climate compatibility. In the research project, transdisciplinary solutions were developed for this purpose and then tested under real conditions in model regions. In this way, the web tools can be used regionally as a basis for discussion among the various local actors.
Participatory involvement of local actors
During the development of the web tools within the Kopernikus project ENavi, there was a close exchange with the 64 partners of the ENavi association during the whole project period. After the development of the theoretical basis, a needs analysis and the creation of two concepts for two different tools, they were developed together with the local partners. Feedback from local stakeholders during workshops enabled the tools to be further developed and adapted precisely to their needs.
Technological and economic solutions for the transformation of the energy system
ENavi was one of four projects funded by the Kopernikus initiative of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Over a total period of ten years, organizations from science, industry and civil society worked together in these projects to develop technological and economic solutions for restructuring the energy system.
Project duration: 15.10.2016 – 14.10.2019
- Developing public-domain simulation tools for engaging different parties involved in the process (Stakeholder Empowerment Tools*)Compiling the theoretic foundation
- Needs assessment in dialog with the involved parties
- Analysis of strengths and weaknesses of existing tools
- Developing example tools
- Tests and assessments
- Collaboration with “Reality Labs”
- *Stakeholder Empowerment (StEmp) Tools are professional computation programs that support different stakeholder groups of the energy transition on a comprehensive basis. As transdisciplinary dialog is a large part of the Kopernikus Projects, StEmp tools allow to discuss complex technical backgrounds on a high level with different parties.