SimBA – Simulation Toolbox for the Electrification of Bus Fleets.

What does SimBA help with?

SimBA is a software tool developed by RLI researchers to support the design, analysis, and optimization of electrified bus fleets. It is a modular simulation tool specialized in creating analyses and concepts for the electrification of route-based vehicle fleets.

Who is the tool suitable for?

SimBA is tailored for stakeholders such as research institutions and public transport companies working on the electrification of bus fleets and their integration into energy systems.

How does SimBA work?

SimBA provides a wide range of features for analyzing and optimizing electrified bus fleets, including:

  • Analysis of timetable data
  • Intelligent vehicle scheduling
  • Modeling and simulation of vehicles and routes
  • Locally and temporally resolved determination of energy demand
  • Optimized positioning and dimensioning of charging and refueling infrastructure, stationary storage, and grid connections
  • Support for depot and opportunity charging as well as fuel cells

These features enable detailed planning and simulation of energy requirements, vehicle specifications, and charging infrastructure for electrified bus fleets.

What examples of use are there?

SimBA was initially developed in the Buffered-HLL project:

SimBA has also been utilized in numerous other projects, including:

How can SimBA be used?

The program code is written in Python and is fully available under the MIT open-source license on the online platform GitHub.



Julian Brendel


+49 (0)30 1208 434 34

Stefan Schirmeister


+49 (0)30 1208 434 86