Das Foto zeigt Menschen auf einem Platz aus der Vogelperspektive.

Socio-economic field studies

In order to improve energy supply in the context of sustainable energy transformation, spatial data sets, such as resource availability and settlement patterns as well as socio-economic and demographic data, are required. We collect some of these ourselves by conducting household surveys with local partners. On the basis of these data sets, fact-based energy planning is possible.


Example projects

MEP-Tool for energy planning in Nepal

In this project, RLI supported the development of a GIS-based energy planning tool in Nepal. The tool is developed by the Nepal Alternative Energy Promotion Centre (AEPC) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH as part of a technical support program (RERA – Renewable Energy for Rural Areas) and aims to expand the use of small-scale decentralized renewable energy in Nepal. Since the introduction of the constitution in 2015, Nepal consists of seven provinces within a federal state.…
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