RLI Energy-Dialog 2016
2016-09-06 12:49:56
September 6th 2016 | 5:30 – 8:00 p. m.
Tagungswerk, Lindenstraße 85, 10969 Berlin
Six years of research for 100 % renewable energies
Reiner Lemoine Institut invites yo to its first RLI Energy-Dialog. We will discuss energy scenarios of the future and show how our research contributes to a sustainable energy supply. For us, this is not limited to the mere switching to green energy sources, but the whole energy system transition process, e-mobility in daily traffic, and integration of remote regions.
We proudly welcome Klaus Töpfer, founding director of IASS Potsdam and former Federal Minister of the Environment to the RLI Energy-Dialog 2016. Together with him and other speakers, we will discuss the results of three workshop sessions.
Please note that this event is hosted in German.
[button title=”program” icon=”” icon_position=”” link=”https://reiner-lemoine-institut.de/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/RLIED16_Programm.pdf” target=”_blank” color=”” font_color=”” large=”0″ class=”” download=”” onclick=””]
A report from the event is available here.
© Illustration: RLI