CoNDyNet Concluding Conference: Dynamics in Power Systems – From Science to Industry

2017-06-14 08:57:49

June 12th -14th 2017 | Potsdam
Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research

Jochen Bühler, researcher within the research field Transformation of Energy Systems will present the results of the open_eGo project at the final conference of the CoNDyNet.

CoNDyNet is short for the consortium project “Collective Nonlinear Dynamics of Complex Networks” within which the basic criteria for the stability, reliability, risks, and market access for viable future power grids were developed. It thereby focused on the comprehensive supply with renewable sources of energy in the entire European region. CoNdYNet was funded as part of the funding initiative Future-proof Power Grids of the Federal Government. The RLI contributes to the conference as guest upon invitation by the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research.

At the final conference, Jochen will give a talk on the challenges and progress in joint modeling and optimization of transmission and distribution grids with special regard to open data. Additional information on the conference and the full program is available here.

© Image: H. Raab, CC BY-SA 3.0