Forum Neue Energiewelt

2021-09-22 07:42:45

September 22nd, 2021

The RLI is represented three times at the 22nd Forum Neue Energiewelt 2021:

RLI Managing Director Kathrin Goldammer, will be a speaker in the opening session “1,000 GW photovoltaic extension – how can that work?”. Her input is titled “Science – A look at Practice”. The opening session is intended to stimulate the exchange between the participants and experts with regard to the challenges of the rapid and intelligent expansion of renewable energy.

Juliane Arriens, researcher in the RLI Research Unit Mobility with Renewable Energy, is one of four keynote speakers with her  input “Hydrogen – really important for climate neutrality?”. The panel is organized in cooperation with the Women in Green Hydrogen network and will focus on German hydrogen policy, its international implications, and the very concrete first hydrogen projects in Germany.

Friederike Reisch, also a researcher in the RLI Research Unit Mobility with Renewable Energy, will be speaking at the Forum Neue Energiewelt event “Theme Evening: the Blockchain in the Energy Market”. There, Friederike will give an impulse on the topic of blockchain and present the RLI research project BEST. The theme evening is organized by Hypatia, Frauennetzwerk Erneuerbare Energien und Cleantech e.V.

The 22nd Forum Neue Energiewelt 2021 is hosted by Conexio – PSE GmbH. This year, the conference will be held under the title “1.000 GW of photovoltaics – how can it be done?”. Experts from industry and the energy sector will come together to discuss the challenges in the rapid and intelligent expansion of renewable energy in Germany from different perspectives.

[icon type=”icon-export”] To the website of “Forum Neue Energiewelt”
[icon type=”icon-export”] To the website of “Hypatia“