Information event of the “Hydrogen Region Weimar”

2021-07-22 10:44:31

July 22nd, 2021
Information event

Tim Röpcke, researcher in the RLI Research Unit Mobility with Renewable Energy represents the RLI at the information event of the Hydrogen Region Weimar. During the event, Tim will present the hydrogen concept of the city of Weimar, which RLI has co-developed in context of the HyStarter project

Hydrogen will be an important building block for the realization of the regional energy and transport transition. The city of Weimar and the district of Weimar were selected as a region in the Germany-wide HyStarter competition to develop a regional hydrogen concept and to establish a network of actors to implement the ideas. The technology concept for a dedicated, regional hydrogen production and infrastructure also identified application options for the use of green hydrogen. This concept will now be presented to the political committees and decision-makers of the city and the district during the information event.

The event will be organized by the city of Weimar and the district of Weimar and will take place in hybrid form – in accordance with current hygiene measures, as well as online.

[icon type=”icon-export”] The event is open and free, please register via e-mail.