International Energy Industry Conference – IEWT 2017

2017-02-15 14:19:48

February 15th – 17th  2017 | Vienna

RLI researcher Marlon Fleck will participate in the International Energy Industry Conference (Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung – IEWT) in Vienna. Marlon works with the Mobility with Renewable Energy team and will present his work on the “Fuelling Station of the Future”. He will talk about the paradigm shift in the mobility sector and how increasing numbers of hydrogen and electric cars will affect fuelling and charging infrastructure.  Marlon will go into detail using the example of a highway fuelling station and explain, how it can be designed with the help of forecasts and what happens if these forecasts turn out wrong. This will help to better assess the risks connected to investments into the “Fuelling Station of the Future”.

IEWT is taking place for the tenth time, its theme for 2017 is “Climate Goals 2050: Chance for a Paradigm Shift?”. Please find the full program as well as further information here (in German).

© Photo: TU Wien