oemof_heat consortium meeting

2018-10-16 10:44:18

October 16th | Berlin

Caroline Möller and Jann Launer from the research unit Transformation of Energy Systems, represent RLI at the oemof_heat consortium meeting in Berlin. It is the first project meeting between the project partners of Beuth Hochschule für Technik Berlin, Projektträger Jülich, and RLI since the beginning of the oemof_heat project. The meeting will focus on the progress of the project, initial research results, and the next steps.

oemof_heat is an extension of the open energy modelling framework (oemof). In the framework, which is a modeling tool for the analysis of different energy systems, oemof_heat integrates the component of heat supply. oemof_heat has a special focus on heat networks, heat storage, and process heat applications.



© Image: RLI