Symposium: Philippine-German collaboration for an energy transition on Philippine islands

2018-06-13 09:25:54

June 13th 2018 | Manila

RLI is organizing a symposium for German-Philippine exchange about the Energy Transition in context of European Climate Diplomacy Week.

The symposium takes place in cooperation with the University of the Philippines and is supported by the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Manila. At the symposium, the three RLI representatives  Philipp Blechinger, Paul Bertheau, and Nicolas Commeignes, will present the results of the EnerPHIL research project and highlight other projects and activities of German institutions in the energy sector of the Philippines. The German Embassy has selected EnerPHIL as a model project in this area and has made the symposium possible. The guests, who will include Philippine senators as well as representatives from the Energy Ministry, the Asian Development Bank, and German foundations, will have the opportunity to discuss potential scientific cooperation in the field of renewable energy and their added value for the development goals of the Philippines.

EnerPHIL is a joint research project for the development of a research network on renewable energy between Germany and the Philippines. Representatives from partner institutions in the project will also attend the symposium. Please find further information about EnerPHIL on the project’s website.

Please note that the event is by invitation only.

© Image: RLI