Kick-Off for the ScenariosDB Project

2018-02-23 14:24:07

February 23rd 2018 | Kassel

The RLI’s new research project “ScenariosDB”, will start with a kick-off workshop, where the project partners will work together for the first time. In ScenariosDB, an open database for climate and energy scenarios will be developed. For this, the OpenEnergy Platform, that was developed in context of the open_eGo project, will be extended.

The first meeting will focus on initializing project management and taking stock of existing structures and knowledge. In ScenariosDB, RLI is working with the project partners Fraunhofer IEE (formerly known as IWES), the Oeko-Institut, and Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg. Fraunhofer IEE is taking the project lead and will also host the kick-off workshop in Kassel. RLI will be represented by Berit Müller, Ludwig Hülk, and Editha Kötter from the research field Transformation of Energy Systems. Editha will manage the project ar RLI.


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