Webinar: Presentation of the in-progress results of the project FlexMex

2021-02-01 05:45:58

1st February, 2021
Webinar: online

At the webinar presenting the interim results of the FlexMex project, Lee Haug, Head of the RLI Research Unit Transformation of Energy Systems, and Jann Launer, researcher in the same Unit, represent the RLI. In the FlexMex project, energy system models are compared with each other in order to gain insights into how their resulting scenarios for electricity, heat, and mobility should be evaluated. The webinar will present the implementation and results of the completed model comparisons, and discuss the conclusions reached so far.

The webinar will be hosted by the consortium lead, the Institute of Technical Thermodynamics (DLR), and conducted jointly with the other consortium members. In addition to RLI, these are DIW Berlin, the Forschungsstelle für Energiewirtschaft e.V., the University of Aachen (RWTH), the University of Duisburg Essen, the University of Stuttgart, and the Wuppertal Institute. The FlexMex project is part of the BMWi funding program “MODEX” for energy system analysis.

[icon type=”icon-export”] For more information on the project, please visit the FlexMex project page.