Arizeo Salac

M.Sc. Chemical Engineering, on-going (University of the Philippines Diliman)

+49 (0)30 1208 434 44

Guest researcher


Arizeo Salac is serving as a guest researcher in the Research Unit Off-Grid Systems at RLI since April 2024. He is pursuing a master's degree in Chemical Engineering at the University of the Philippines Diliman (UPD). Arizeos work primarily revolves around modeling and conducting life cycle analyses of hybrid renewable energy systems for off-grid islands. Additionally, he explores diverse aspects of off-grid island electrification, aiming to integrate them through multi-criteria decision making.

Zeo holds a bachelor's degree in Chemical Engineering also from the same university. Apart from his work at RLI, he also served as a researcher at the UPD Laboratory of Electrochemical Engineering (LEE).