Ciara Dunks

M.Sc. European Master in Renewable Energy (Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen)

Former researcher


Ciara Dunks has been a Researcher at the Research Unit Off-Grid Systems from January 2022 until June 2024. Ciara managed the H2020 project E-Land where the RLI develops and applies a simulation tool for sector coupled energy systems (multi-vector simulator). Previously, she worked in the Unit Mobility with Renewable Energy at RLI, where she was mainly involved in hydrogen concepts and energy system modelling.

Ciara holds a master’s degree in Renewable Energy as part of the EUREC program at the Hanzehogeschool Groningen. For her final thesis, she did research on "The development and validation of hydrogen concepts for the mobility and/or heat sectors through the use of SMOOTH – an open source framework" as part of the HyStarter project. During this time, she was an intern at the RLI.

Ciara also holds a bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Philosophy from the University of Manchester.