Laura Antje Hoffmann

B.A. Political Science (University of Leipzig)

Former student assistant


Laura Antje Hoffmann was a student assistant in the research unit Off-Grid Systems at RLI from April 2023 until December 2023. She is enrolled in the master's program "Gender, Intersectionality, Politics" at Freie Universität Berlin and supported the team in the project "Feminist and Inclusive Research for Climate-Friendly Mobility in Berlin".

Laura did her bachelor's degree in political science at the University of Leipzig. There, she studied politicization processes of women, especially her own perspectives on female underrepresentation. Prior to her work at RLI, she supported the research project "Transforming political representation from below: The role of (post)migrant civil society organizations in Germany (MigSoc)" at the Department of Diversity and Social Conflict at Humboldt University in Berlin.