Kathrin Goldammer

Dr. rer. nat. (HU Berlin)

+49 (0)30 1208 434 0

Managing Director


Kathrin Goldammer is an expert in energy technology and management. She has been Managing Director of Reiner Lemoine Institute since February 2016 and is responsible for scientific and financial management.

Kathrin has many years of experience in the energy sector, energy policy, and policy advice: She has been responsible for the electricity generation portfolio in Germany at a Swiss utility company and later headed projects in asset management and portfolio optimization for municipal utilities and private companies. At the Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies in Potsdam, she established the “Transdisciplinary Panel on Energy Change” (TPEC). Before becoming Managing Director at RLI, she was in charge of the Energiewende Research Forum – the multi-stakeholder dialogue platform of the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research – at the German Academy of Science and Engineering acatech.

Following research stays in Switzerland, the United States, and Japan, Kathrin received her PhD in Physics from Humboldt Universität zu Berlin in 2007. She holds a Diploma in Electrical Engineering from Technische Universität Berlin.

Since June 2021, Kathrin has been the spokesperson for the Berlin-Brandenburg Energy Technology Cluster as part of the Joint Innovation Strategy of the States of Berlin and Brandenburg - innoBB 2025. She has also been a member of the Berlin Climate Protection Council since March 2022 and was one of the spokespersons from March 2022 to April 2024. Kathrin was then accepted as a member of the German-Japanese Energy Transition Council (GJETC) in November 2022. Currently she also holds a seat on the scientific advisory board of the conference "Drives and Energy Systems of Tomorrow" of the Automobiltechnische Zeitschrift (ATZ). In addition, she is a former board member and current regional officer of Hydrogen Power Storage & Solutions East Germany e. V. (HYPOS). Kathrin was part of the founding team in 2020 and since 2024 has been a member of the association's board of Women in Green Hydrogen. In the past, she was also head of the scientific advisory board for the symposium "Grid Integration of Electromobility" and member of the advisory board at the Leibniz Research Network Energiewende. In December 2021, Kathrin was appointed to the advisory board for the hydrogen roadmap of the state of Baden-Württemberg for two years.

In 2019 together with Oliver Arnhold Kathrin founded the Localiser RLI GmbH.

She advocates for an increased visibility of women in the energy sector and is an active critic of pseudoscience.