
The collection, measurement, preparation, and processing of data is one of our key competencies. It is of outstanding importance for the following working steps as data serve as input for simulations, analyses, and application. We derive reliable results based on well validated input data. To guarantee that we can generate, validate, process, and structure data on many different ways.

Within the data collection we take care of transparency and quality. This is reached via different approaches: for example we conduct on-site data collections and technical assessments, even on international level. For the case that on-site data collection is technical and / or economical not feasible we can apply satellite based data collection and geodata processing. We use different GIS tools and global data sets as well as satellite data. To work cost-efficient we keep the re-usability of data sets in mind. On the other hand we keep individually discussed input parameters of our project partners strictly confidential.

In addition we perform technical measurements and measurement campaigns at existing facilities or vehicles or determine specific natural resource data such as wind speeds. To do this testing facilities can be drafted, designed, and built or our RLI research lab can be used where we e.g. apply hardware-in-the-loop tests. We profit from our practical experience out of many research projects and from our status as independent research institute which guarantees independent measurement campaigns. With the continuous increase of data quantity it is of utmost importance to have a structured processing and storage of data. We can for example steer the data exchange within open data projects as wells as develop user-friendly data base management systems with graphical user interfaces for our project partners.
On-site data collection
We can globally collect data on-site. Within these missions we apply technical and empirical methodologies to gain a comprehensive overview on the situation at the analysed locations. Technical methodologies include measurements at and evaluations of energy systems and power plants. Empirical methodologies are mainly based on questionnaires or the assessment of socio-economic frameworks.
Geodata processing
To assess local conditions from a distance we use various geodata. Satellite data or other spatially resolved data can be visualised and analysed with the help of GIS software. Additionally, single datasets can be georeferenced by us and be prepared to be used within the simulations.
Technical measurements
We conduct technical measurements and measurement campaigns to gain real life data of for example power generation facilities, energy storage technologies, or vehicles. In parallel we can collect climatic variables to understand the behaviour of the systems in relation to the ambient conditions. This includes the conception and the implementation of measurement equipment as well as the supervision on-site during the measurement campaign and the automated (remote) data transmission.
Testing facilities and research lab
To conduct measurements we can design external testing facilities or use our RLI internal research lab. Within this lab we conduct for example hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) tests whereby real technical components are embedded into simulation tools. By this linking between simulation and real measurement we can obtain measurement data and conduct complicated tests in a very cost-competitive and efficient way.
Database development and support
We design and structure databases with the help of database management systems (DMS) and enable the structured storage of big data volumes. This starts with the conception of the database structure applying an entity relationship model (ERM). It is followed by the implementation and preparation of data and can be extended by a user-friendly graphical user interface (GUI). For that we apply for example SQL or PostGRE SQL. We can easily access large amounts of data by implementing databases into our simulation models and linking them with GIS applications. We are able to safely share databases with our partners and work on the development of open access data exchange within our open-source projects.