Josephine Nehring

B.A. Business Economics and Policies (University of Applied Science Berlin)

+49 (0)30 1208 434 82

Student assistant


Josephine Nehring has been a student assistant in the Research Unit Mobility with Renewable Energy since January 2024. Previously, from March 2023 she had been a student assistant in the Research Unit Off-Grid Systems. She is enrolled in the Master's degree program Transportation Planning and Operation at Berlin Technical University and supportes the team in the project “FAIRberlin: Feminist and Inclusive Research for Climate-Friendly Mobility in Berlin”.

Josephine holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Economics and Policies from the University of Applied Sciences Berlin where she focused on determinants for a successful mobility policy in the cities of Copenhagen and Berlin in her Bachelorthesis. She also did an internship at the German Agency for International Cooperation in China and was involved in the evaluation of the car-free Friedrichstraße.