Sarah Berendes

M. Sc. Renewable Energy Systems (TU Berlin)

+49 (0)30 1208 434 42



Sarah Berendes has been a researcher in the RLI Research Unit Transformation of Energy Systems since March 2018. Since June 2017, she has been working with the RLI as a student at the Photovoltaic Institute Berlin.

At RLI, Sarah leads the consortium and is working on a comparison of open-source frameworks for energy system analysis in the open_MODEX project. She is also part of the open_plan project.

Sarah studied Regenerative Energy Systems (M. Sc.) and Energy and Process Engineering (B. Sc.) at the TU Berlin. As part of a cooperation between the Photovoltaic Institute Berlin and the RLI, she wrote her master thesis on the design of hybrid mini grids and related scientific standards. For this she used the Open Energy Modelling Framework (oemof) co-developed by the RLI to develop software that is adapted to the special requirements of islands and remote regions.

Sarah has extensive theoretical and practical experience in the field of photovoltaic systems as well as with the open source modeling framework oemof, which was significantly co-developed at the RLI. She sees herself as part of the Open Source and Open Science movement and would like to contribute to creating a social and ecological environment for all people through her work at the RLI.