Jonas Hörsch

Dr. phil. nat. (Frankfurt University)

Former Researcher


Jonas Hörsch has been a researcher in the Research Unit Transformation of Energy Systems at RLI in February and March 2019. He supported the modeling work in the open_FRED project, focusing on feed-in time series as open data for energy system models. He developed a library for computing inflow and discharge time-series for run-of-river and reservoir hydro from reanalysis weather data. In collaboration with Helmholtz Centre Geesthacht, he evaluated the simplified river discharge time-series with the results of hydrological models.

Jonas briefly supported the foundation of a new Energy System Modeling group at the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology. He holds a PhD in Physics from the Goethe-University of Frankfurt for his work at the Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies to characterize the influence of coarse spatial resolution on the optimization of energy systems at continental scale under high shares of renewable energy and storage. He studied Physics at the University of Potsdam.