24.02. | „Women in Natural Sciences“- Event of HU Berlin
24. February 2022Study on HPC charging infrastructure – in urban, rural and highway settings
3. March 2022Model-related outcome differences in power system models with sector coupling – Quantification and drivers (Gils et al. 2022)
Hans Christian Gils, Hedda Gardian, Martin Kittel, Wolf-Peter Schill, Alexander Murmann, Jann Launer, Felix Gaumnitz, Jonas van Ouwerkerk, Jennifer Mikurda and Laura Torralba-Díaz
This publication has been published in the context of the project FlexMex
Abstract — This paper presents the results of a multi-model comparison to determine outcome deviations resulting from
differences in power system models. We apply eight temporally and spatially resolved models to 16 stylized
test cases. These test cases differ in their renewable energy supply share, technology scope, and optimization
scope. We focus on technologies for balancing the variability of power generation, such as controllable power
plants, energy storage, power transmission, and flexibility related to sector coupling. We use harmonized input
data in all models to separate model-related from data-related outcome deviations. We find that our approach
allows for isolating and quantifying model-related outcome deviations and robust effects concerning system
operation and investment decisions. Furthermore, we can attribute these deviations to the identified model
differences. Our results show that trends in the use of individual flexibility options are robust across most
models. Moreover, our analysis reveals that differences in the general modeling approach and the modeling
of specific technologies lead to comparatively small deviations. In contrast, a heterogeneous model scope can
cause substantially larger deviations. Due to a large number of models and scenarios, our analysis can provide
important information on which investment and operation decisions are robust to the model choice, and which
modeling approaches have an exceptionally high impact on results. Our findings may guide both modelers and
decision-makers in properly evaluating the results of similarly designed power system models.
Published in: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 159 (2022) 112177.
Published in: Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews 159 (2022) 112177.