Guido Pleßmann

Dr.-Ing. (University of Oldenburg), M.Sc. Umwelttechnik/Regenerative Energien (HTW Berlin)

Former Researcher


Guido Pleßmann worked in the research unit Transformation of Energy Systems and specialized in the planning of distribution grids. His focus was on the grid integration of renewable energies and energy storages as well as sector coupling. He also had extensive experience in modeling the European power system and analyzing decarbonization pathways.

Guido received his doctorate from the University of Oldenburg in 2019. His dissertation on decarbonisation paths for reaching the climate protection goals in the European electricity sector was supervised by Prof. Dr. Axel Hahn and Prof. Dr. Carsten Agert.

Guido also holds a Master in Environmental Technology / Regenerative Energy from HTW Berlin and a Bachelor in Regenerative Energy Technology from Nordhausen University of Applied Sciences.

As part of the development of energy system models, he also develped software and in particular open source licensed software. His activities can be found on his GitHub page. His publications are listed on ORCID.